Chrome and Ink

Admission: $15 per day - 3 Day Pass: $30 - Kids 12 and under free with a paying adult.

Josh Suchoza
Safe Tattoo ProBloodborne Pathogens for the Tattoo Artist
Friday May 30, 2014 - 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
This OSHA compliant, bloodborne pathogens course has been designed specifically for the tattoo artist, by a tattoo artist. It will cover aspects of tattoo safety for both the artist and the client. The course will teach OSHA compliance, bloodborne pathogens, infection control, proper sterilization, and more. Upon completion of the course the students will be OSHA certified in compliance with U.S. Federal guidelines 29 CFR 1910.1030. This course is accepted in the state of Oregon as an approved provider. The course includes a booklet, and certificate of completion. This course is recommended not only for tattoo artists and piercers, but anyone working within an establishment that does tattooing.
Fee: $80.00

Johnny Smith
Finding Focus: Using fine art techniques to create paintings in the skin
Saturday May 31, 2014 - 12:00 - 3:00 pm
In this seminar, Johnny will go step by step through his entire setup and tattoo process, including: talking with clients to create the best tattoo ideas possible, early conception, drafting ideas, creating and finding unique reference material, using the shapes of the body to enhance your tattoo, stencil and setup, color choices, and the various techniques Johnny uses to create and execute a realistic tattoo. These tattoo techniques will include: saturation of the skin without irritation, blending and softening, use of color, plays on focus, and sharpness, shadows, highlights, and essentially how Johnny uses his experience in drafting and fine art to create saturated, painterly tattoos that are executed in the same way he create his amazing realistic paintings. Johnny will discuss fields of depth and focus, and how to use these fine art techniques to create a solid tattoo that you and your client will be happy with.This course will include discussions and questions on previous works, fine art techniques that can be used in tattooing, marketing your work, and a live tattoo demonstration.
Fee: $150

Carl Grace
High Contrast Black and Grey Seminar
Sunday June 1st, 2014 - 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Description: Advance in your black and gray! Carl Grace will go step by step explaining his techniques in creating a solid black and grey tattoo. Using examples of previous work, Carl will explain how and why the skin was entered using various set-ups. The use of black and white, techniques of creating smooth consistent light grays, the secrets that come from years of experience with black and gray tattooing. Everyone knows watching is the best way to learn, a short live demonstration will be held to further the knowledge learned. Question and answer session will be held during and at the end. Topics Covered: Building contrast, focal points, full gray wash palette, solid black fill, realism, use of coils and rotary machines. Also included is a free instructional DVD. All 3 volumes will be available to choose from (1 per paid seminar attendee). This class counts as 2 hours of Continuing Education.
Fee: $200